
Automated Workflows

Multi-Task Automation Dashboard: Our most popular product!
Manage all projects from 1 Dashboard with 1 click
Automate to eliminate hand-typing
Don't waste time visiting 50 different websites daily
Manage multiple tasks with 1 click!
Data auto-fed into your internal systems
See tasks for all employees on 1 screen
Data encrypted for security per industry standards
Proven to work with all software systems
1 Excel upload for all tasks
Use our app to manage any project
Facebook-type app. No Citrix/Java!
Contact Us For Price/per month
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Digitize Data

Your data from all projects! Without having to login or scrape each site
Data from all tasks and all employees on 1 Dashboard!
Avoid logging into each website
Don't waste time visiting 50 different websites daily
Avoid having to scrape data from each pipe
Data auto-fed into your internal systems
Data received automatically every day
Data encrypted for security
Proven to work with all websites
1 Excel download for all sites
Use our app to view any site
Facebook-type app. No Citrix/Java!
Contact Us For Price/per month
Click Here

Custom Software Projects

You decide the scope and specs of the project to automate
Get feedback in real time as we build a custom app
Guaranteed to work!
Don't waste time monitoring each project. Automate!
Cherry pick from over 50,000 projects per year
Projects impacting other tasks
Data refreshed automatically. Set custom alerts
Data auto-fed into your in-house system
Alerts via email or via browser pop ups
1 Excel download for all tasks
Use our phone app to view any task
Data updated in real-time
Industry Certified
Contact Us For Price/per month
Click Here